Feeling better
As part of my year long Teaching American History Program I attended the first day of a two-day technology workshop. The bright spot is that the week long technology class was knocked down from five days to two days. Unfortunately, since the class has been shortened so significantly the presenter has had to change the class. In doing so the morning session seemed a little off. After lunch we did some better stuff, but the morning was not so great. On top of that, Sarah and I did not return from North Carolina yesterday until about 1:30am. I was really hoping that the morning would be great to help me forget I was so tired. Instead the morning was lackluster and with the fatigue it was a pretty rough day at the workshop. I really was looking forward to dismissal.
As I mentioned, Sarah and I did not return from the Triangle Area until late last night. The silver lining of the late return is that the trip was fruitful. We left with an excellent idea of what we want for the wedding. We are finding out there are a number of factors to consider when choosing a date, time, and venue. This weekend we figured out that we needed to choose what was important to us and then go from there. In order to do this we set an unreal schedule that included looking at over ten places and a bridal show. I know this will sound real weak, but it was real tiring driving all over the place with no real break. There were a number of venues: great ones, not so great ones, lavish ones, and average ones.
Based on the description there were obviously sites that were not an option for various reasons. For example, the Governor's Club was, well, I can't think of the words, but since my name does not start with "Dr." it was not going to happen. I will not name names, but there were some places (hotels mainly) that were very unimpressive and not memorable. Then there were some places that were wonderful and in our realm of possibility. However, they did not meet the requirements that were considered important by Sarah and I.
Sarah's parents came up and were a real help in the process. I don't just say that because they paid for lunch and a frosty at Wendy's for us. Sarah's dad is a real trip because he will not often force his opinion or thoughts. He dances around it with questions and lets you figure it out on your own. It is kind of nice because when you figure it out you feel like it is your idea. One of the things we figured out with the help of Reid is that we wanted something that was memorable, something that will stick with our guests forever. This doesn't have to be both the ceremony and reception part; just one or the other. For example, my mom's reception was a nice little gathering. The memorable aspect of her day was the 10am ceremony on the shore of Lake Tahoe.
We definitely have an idea of what we want and hopefully we will be able to get what we want. The bright spot is that we have places in mind that will give us what we want. Most importantly, what we want includes a chocolate fountain and at least a soft bar (soda, beer, and wine). All in all, a productive trip.