Saturday, July 01, 2006

100% Effective, 0% Creative

Sarah's birthday is coming up and whenever your girlfriend's birthday nears there is pressure to get a gift she will like. This leaves me with the responsibility of being creative and getting something she likes, but without having to ask. I mean, after all, I love her and I should just know what she wants. Let's face it. I am not that creative or perceptive so I took the weasel way out. When Sarah was shopping for tennis shoes I bought her a pair and said Happy Birthday. Yes, it is a weasely way out, but the ability to weasel our way out of obligations is what separates humans from other animals, except for the weasel.
This is the holiday weekend and I am doing it up in style. I have spent the last day and a half cleaning the apartment and doing laundry. It's a crazy life I know, only a few can survive. Then throw on top of that we are watching Law and Order: SVU episodes off of DVR tonight...I'm a wild man...woooooo!
It's all good though because in a few moments a Pearl Jam performance on VH1 will be recorded on DVR. Yes, I am aware that my favorite band is on VH1, so save it. But since Pearl Jam seems to be ignoring the Southeast United States this might be as close as I get to a show this tour so lay off me. Also, tomorrow we head to the ''s gonna be super sweet.
By the way, Detectives Benson and Stabler are awesome. I'm telling you, put those two on the case with Grissom and Catherine in the lab and that would be a Superfriends version of a crime solving team. That crew could solve the JonBenet case and then with the extra time find Holloway. Who do I have to talk to in order to make this happen? It would be great TV and solve crimes. I think I am on to something.


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