Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Fireworks in the 'Lands

Happy 4th of July everyone! Southern summer storms are unlike anything else and I don't think you can understand until you have experienced one. There was thunder, lightning, and downpour for the better part of the night. Thunder was so bad that it kept me up for about 90 minutes. By the way, not only did this storm keep me up but it also pushed back my tee times this morning...not cool.
I went with Uncle Chris, his friend Kurt, and Kurt's boy CJ. As a radio personality Reid (Sarah's dad) listens to says: "lotteries are a voluntary tax for the dumb." Well, taking part in a money game when you are a mediocre golfer, at best, follows the same principle. Yet I still threw in my $10 since it was only $10 and all I had to do was get hot and birdie a hole nobody else did. Seemed reasonable for only $10. It started out like a day where it seemed like I was just going to be donating my money. The astounding part was that I actually had some decent birdie tries. Unfortunately, I only made one on a hole someone else birdied which meant no money. Then I remembered that it is not like I make my living playing golf and when that is the case your score is not what is important. The number that really matters is how many beers you drink. And when you look at it that way my round was a complete success.
Afterwards Chris grilled burgers and hot dogs and, brace yourself, I ate way too much. I managed to avoid overdosing on beef (or whatever it is that is in hot dogs that makes them so delicious) and watched the fireworks show. The show was sweet because Chris bought some this morning and he was setting them off in the backyard. Ahhhhh, good times.

Tomorrow is Sarah's 26th Birthday!


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