Sunday, August 20, 2006

Back in the Habit

We just finished our first full week at Pleasant Grove High School and I am still standing, always a good sign. It is not that bad. The school is pretty good. Technically we did not meet our testing goals, but if you ask me it was close enough. We met all the academic standards and that is not a claim many other schools can make. We only missed two of the 19 requirements and they were both because not enough special ed students took the test. We needed 44 of our 45 special ed kids to take the test and two missed them. So because of that we are lumped in with schools that are nowhere near the quality of ours. I think it kind of stinks. I guess it is important that no child gets left behind though.
I have a pretty good group of kids. This is the first time I have been at a school for more than a year and it is nice to have kids know you. On top of that I also have my own room this year. There are no words that can possibly describe how nice this is. The ability to take a deep breath between classes is priceless and that wasnt possible when I was moving to another room between classes. Last year we had 3 teachers floating rooms and this year we have 4 and that is after we created another room. I have shared materials with the teachers in my department that are floating because I know how tough that is. However, I do not feel bad that they have to float since I did my time last year.
Last night I saw Little Miss Sunshine with Sarah and it is great. I highly recommend it.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Don't Look So Surprised

I went to school on Friday eventhough the first day back for teachers is Monday. My exit exam tutoring went so well because much of the material I used was from my binders when I taught US History back at Tokay. The problem was that I never put the materials back in the binders or organized everything all that well. On Friday I spent a few hours doing those things and got it all done by about 11am. I took a few minutes to catch up with some teachers I hadn't seen since the end of school and that is always fun. Then I had the choice of staying and getting some work done or going home and doing it. I chose the latter option. Nothing got done. This should not surprise anyone.
I had a great weekend anyway. I used the weekend to celebrate the last weekend of summer. I did some work around the apartment (emphasis on some), played with the cats (McKenzie would chase that dang stick all day if someone would move it around for her), went out to Five Points South, bought some new school pants (next month I buy some new dress shirts), and other things that were nowhere near productive. It was a nice way to go out. The kids don't return until Thursday, but I know the honeymoon is over. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Unquestioned faith

Thursday is my Meals on Wheels day. Since school is back in session next Thursday today was my last day on the route. As I have written before, driving the route is both satisfying and depressing when you see how some people live. Today's day on the route showcased a different set of emotions. Sarah and I have been doing this for the better part of two full months and we have gotten to know some of the folks on the route. Like many of the people Ms. Avery is a sweet lady and is dependable for an entertaining conversation. She was a little off today and she shared that her granddaughter was killed in a car accident on Sunday. She had tremendous faith for a lady who lost a 20-year-old granddaughter. Ms. Avery just said that God thought it was her time and who was she to question God. I can't imagine such a loss, but for her to handle it in such a manner was something I found impressive.
Lunch was awesome today. Sarah and I went to Dreamland BBQ. Unfortunately, it was a farewell lunch for one of the many people who are leaving the athletic department after the move to Division III. These kinds of get togethers have been all too common. The worst part is that there will at least be one more. Sarah's direct supervisor has also given his notice and will be gone at the end of the month. When I moved here the only people I knew were Sarah and all her co-workers. I have made a few friends at work, so that is nice. As the mass exodus from BSC continues it feels like a draining of the people I know here. The people who have left have all done so because other opportunities that were better for them came up so I can't blame them. It is kind of like when you are a kid and a friend moves away. Sure, you can always make new friends, but it always sucks when the original friends leave.
From the wedding front, we have decided upon a date. We are getting married on June 22, 2007. The ceremony is going to be at Duke Gardens, we just asked for the date and they are sending us the contract. The date will be held for two weeks until, of course, they get their deposit money to solidify the date. The Hilton also appears to be our reception site, but the lady did not call us back today. That place is going to make our lives so easy since almost everything but the flowers is included in the price. Ah, good times.
I am going to get back to clearing space off the DVR. We watched two Law and Order: SVU episodes. The bad part is that they both have potential for the Street Law class. Therefore, they are still on the DVR chewing up space until I tape them. Yes, until I go back to school next week these are my problems. Damn, I love summer.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I'm getting sad again

There is an episode of King of Queens where Doug opens up a pudding pack with a huge smile on his face. As he devours it in a matter of a few seconds and the cup runs out of pudding the smile turns into a frown as he proclaims, "I'm getting sad." For me, the full pudding cup was when the kids left on the last day of school in late May. Since Monday is when teachers report back to school after summer I think I find myself in a similar position as Doug. So I will say it as well, "I'm getting sad." I knew this date would come, but it just kind of sneaks up on you. My schedule this year is so much better than it was last year so I can't complain. It is just the thought of having to wake up to an alarm again is so disappointing.
Also, I am excited because I think my readership might now be up to three. I know Sarah reads my blog and I am pretty sure my mom does as well. The other day I told Kelly, Sarah's sister, about it and she started reading it. So watch out, this blog is starting to spread. You can't hold down this voice. Ok, that is about it.