Wednesday, June 28, 2006

And we're blogging

This is a momentous day. I am now a blogger. The internet is great, it gives anybody with the ability to type a forum to prattle on about things only the poster finds important...sweet. Today is the NBA Draft and it is always a day that is disappointing for me. First of all, during last year's draft I was in a suite at the Venetian in Las Vegas. This year, I was watching it in my apartment. While my apartment is nice, it is a far cry from the Venetian suite that provided turndown service and free chocolates. There are only a few things that can take the sting off of getting your butt handed to you in a casino, chocolate on your pillow when you return to your room is one of them. Secondly, it reminds me that I have little to no athletic talent. Thanks mom. Thanks dad.
By the way, I am unbelievably impressed by the donation by Warren Buffet. When I first read about it online the link read: "Buffet donates $37 billion." I had no idea the Parrothead Nation was so good to Jimmy Buffet. Then I had to be educated by Sarah when she informed me there was a multi-gazillionaire named Warren Buffet doing some good. He went so far as to say that while his kids are still inheriting quite a bit that nobody should inherit status based upon the womb they came from. I absolutely agree, yet, my opinion would be different if my family was loaded. But alas, we are not. Thanks mom. Thanks dad.
Stay tuned, I will be updating my blog on a daily basis, no maybe a regular basis, oh who am I kidding, I will update my blog when I am looking to avoid work and responsibilities. You be good.


At 8:49 PM, Blogger Sarah said...



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