Thursday, June 29, 2006

Summer is the coolest!

I probably shouldn't even be telling you this, however, I will let you in on a secret. Lean in close, I want to make sure that nobody else hears, after all, I do not want to get into trouble. Conventional wisdom is that kids look forward to summer vacation more than anybody else. This is not true. In reality, teachers look forward to summer way more than the kids. At least this teacher does.
This morning I slept in. It is a treat that teachers dream about during the school year and when it comes, just pure magic. My morning had no required schedule, again, a nice departure from the bells every 95 minutes during the school year. While the point seems obvious I repeat: "Summer is the coolest!"
This summer has been uncharacteristically productive. For example, Sarah and I volunteered to drive a Meals on Wheels route near Birmingham-Southern College. Today was the second time we have driven the route and it is surprisingly rewarding. We serve about 16 meals to 12 homes. The route from start to finish is 7 miles and takes about an hour. The funny/sad thing is that the route could take longer since some of the folks are so personable and chatty. I could sit there and talk with some of the folks for awhile because they are so funny. However, for some folks you get the vibe they are so talkative because they get so little attention and interaction. That is the sad part of it all. If there is such a program in your area I stronlgly suggest looking into being a part of it.
The rest of my day was packed full of doing whatever I pleased. After all, it is the summer. Doing whatever I pleased consisted of the following activities: tutoring at the high school for the high school exit exam, grocery shopping, playing with the cats, and putting off going to the gym. I told you I would update in an attempt to avoid doing something productive. Since the biggest responsibility I am dodging is working out I will say it again...summer is awesome.


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